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A Most Sophisticated Design

A Most Sophisticated Design

A Most Sophisticated Design

The human body is an amazing system with inner machinations in its intelligent functioning. There is a remarkable symmetry and design within its unique organs and systems with so much synchronization, working together to keep the entire body alive and healthy.

In the scriptures, the body of Christ is likened to the human body. It is an individual living organism made up of many parts with different functions yet with basic unity. 1 Corinthians 12:12 NIV says, “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” What an amazing reality.

Now the Lord, who is the creator of the human body, designed the Church with even more sophistication, gracing her with the gift of unity and power in the diverse functioning of her members-Ephesian 4:16. As ministers of Christ, though we have been called differently by Him with specific assignments, the work of each of us contributes greatly to the edification of the entire body of Christ when we stand firm in one spirit, striving together for the faith of the gospel- Philippians 1:27

The ISM Global Ministers Cells is a strategic driver for fulfilling the Lord’s mandate of reaching the whole world with the gospel of Christ; by providing the opportunity for ministers to commune with one another and be strengthened for the work of the ministry in an atmosphere of faith, hope, and love. 

We invite you today to come and enjoy inspiring fellowship with an ever-increasing network of ministers of the gospel like yourself and benefit immensely from participating in the global vision of the ministry of the Man of God Pastor Chris which is transforming the lives of billions around the world.

Kindly, click on the link below to start or join a global ministers’ cell in your locality today; www.cellministry.christembassy-ism.com

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