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Not a One-Time Thing

Not a One-Time Thing

Not a One-Time Thing

“It’s not enough to have received the Holy Spirit. You must be full of Him.” - -Rev (Dr) Chris Oyakhilome Dsc, Dsc, DD

In the Old Testament, the Lord filled certain individuals with the Spirit enabling them to carry out specific tasks. Examples are those appointed to make holy garments for Aaron and His sons (Exodus 28:1-3); and Bezaleel who was filled with the Spirit to do special types of workmanship in gold, silver, brass, stones, and wood for the tabernacle (Exodus 35:30-34).

In Luke 1:13-15, we see that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother’s womb because Elizabeth herself was filled. Luke 3:22, gives the account of how the Holy Ghost descended upon Jesus and filled Him. The early believers already received the Holy Spirit in Acts Chapter 2, but in Acts 4:31-34, they were filled. The result was that they spoke the word with boldness and there was unity. There was also great power and great grace manifested and eventually, prosperity. Everywhere the apostles were filled, they experienced tremendous growth.  

The infilling of the Holy Spirit is one of the greatest blessings of the new creation and the Lord wants us to have and experience being filled to maximum capacity. A child of God can be filled with less than the fullness of God but that's not the Lord's plan. Paul in his prayer for the Ephesian church declared that they be filled with ALL the fullness of God. And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:19).

Ephesians 5:18 AMPC says, “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be ever filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit.” 

As a minister of God, being filled with the Spirit shouldn’t just be a one-time thing but your daily experience! 

Therefore, practice being filled with the Spirit by praying a lot in other tongues and offering words of praise to the Lord. Doing these things personally and frequently are sure ways to stay constantly filled.

Acts 2:17-18, reiterates a prophecy given by the Prophet Joel concerning the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days. Remember that as a minister, to be a distributor of the Holy Ghost, you must constantly be filled to overflowing. Always let the Holy Spirit have his personal ministry in your life first, before anything else you do for the Lord. 

The International School of Ministry (ISM) is a training platform strategically designed to enhance the content of the spiritual character of ministers of the gospel. 

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